Legacy Builder

EZ Banking

GenNow Savings

SCB Premium Savings
How can we help you today?
Welcome to the group that offers you all financial services in one platform with global presence. With more friendly staff and expertise in personal, business and premier banking, as well as investment services, trust services, and fund management. We have the most accessible Customer Service Centres that are sure to meet your needs.

New home sweet home
Getting ready to buy a new home, a piece of land, an investment property, or want to remortgage?

Own the car of your dreams
Whether you’re buying new or used, our car loan could get you on the road to owning it outright, with monthly repayments at a highly competitive rate.

Planning a
shopping trip?
A credit card can help you manage your cash flow and make purchases you’ll pay off later.

Save for the future
Our new deposit accounts give you the freedom, flexibility and peace of mind that you deserve.

Bank online anywhere, anytime
The easiest and most convenient way to bank, 24/7

Protect yourself from fraud
Information you should know and what we do to keep you safe and secure online.